Sl.No. | Title | Link |
1 | Indian Theses Reservoir : SHODH GANGA | http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
2 | Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations – NDLTD | http://www.ndltd.org/ |
3 | How to cite Online Sources – Blog | |
4 | MIT Open Courseware | |
5 | INTECH Open Science : Books & Journals | |
6 | Vigyan Prasar Digital Library | |
7 | Vidwan – National Researchers Network & Expert Database | |
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 | ||
11 | ||
12 | Bio-Tech Digital Library consortia | |
13 | Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology | http://www.medicalandnursing- training.com/medic/beginners-guide-molecular-biology.html |
14 | Free Academic Journals | |
15 | Useful Links LIS Professionals | http://www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/raja/lib-info-sources.htm#websites |
16 | Free Online Journals | |
17 | Aman Movement | http://www.amanmovement.org/ |
18 | Anti Ragging Site | |
19 | Anti Ragging Videos | |
20 | Vigyan Prasar | http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in/index.asp |
21 | Open Access Journals | |
22 | Free Full-Text Journals on-line | |
23 | Online Course Materials from IIT | |
24 | Scholarly Communication in Engineering | |
25 | Google Scholar provides a scholarly literature | |
26 | Catalogue of world libraries | http://www.libdex.com |
27 | Innovative INTERNET applications in Libraries | |
28 | Information Research : an Int. Electronic Journal | |
29 | Open Source Books | |
30 | Public Library of Science | |
31 | Google Books Search | |
32 | The Hindu E-News Paper | |
33 | Hindu Business Online paper | |
34 | Right to Information Act | |
35 | AP State Council for Higher Education | |
36 | All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) | |
37 | Beautiful search engine | |
38 | Int. directory of publishers and vendors | |
39 | To Access Newspapers and Magazines | |
40 | To check the spelling in email and your web pages | |
41 | It’s a protecting wall between browser and your computer stopping all the virus ,Trojans etc | etc. www.greenborder.com |
42 | Librarian Internet Index | http://lii.org/ |
43 | Google Directory : Biography | |
44 | Web Portal for Engineering students | |
45 | Digital Image Processing Lecture notes to Computer Engineering Students | |
46 | Virtual library for waste water engineering subject | |
47 | Mechanical Engineering information | |
48 | Learn English | |
49 | Self-empowerment | http://www.self-empowerment-network.com/ |
50 | TOEFL IBT Practice Question | http://toeflpractice.ets.org/ |
51 | Scholarly Communication in Engineering | |
52 | The Engineering Libraries Division | |
53 | UK e-print archive mirror | |
54 | Open Archives Initiative | |
55 | PubMed Central (Medical Literature) | |
56 | American Mathematical Society Preprint Server | |
57 | CERN preprint Server | |
58 | Chemical Physics Preprint Database | |
59 | Chemistry Preprint Server | |
60 | Economics Working paper Archive | |
61 | High Energy Physics Preprint Database | http://wwwspires.slac.stanford.edu/find/help |
62 | Nitride Semiconductor Research preprint server | http://nsr.mij.mrs.org/preprints/ |
63 | Department of Energy’s preprint Network | |
64 | Theoretical Chemistry preprints | http://www.chemie.uniregensburg.de/pub/preprint/GENINFO.html |
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.