The Minority Cell  helps minority students, including Christian, Muslim, etc., in their academic development.

The cell is formed with the aim of encouraging minority students to enroll in career development programmes that would empower and equip them with the necessary skills.


  • To Enhance equal opportunities for education to minorities.
  • To provide awareness about the  financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
  • Guarantee equal prospects of education to students from Minority Communities.
  • Enable the students to procure financial support from Government Agencies, Philanthropists and Private Agencies through Sponsorship and CSR Funds.

Roles and Respensibilities

  • Committee often makes the students and faculties belong to MINORITY communities to understand their problems and render then necessary advice / help to resolve the matter.
  •  Creating awareness among the MINORITY students regarding the various Government and non Government scholarship schemes.
  •  Counseling the students and to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming.
  • To address various issues pertaining to the committee