The examination branch of the college is a confidential section with the responsibility of smooth conduct of examinations for all the courses and maintenance of student’s records etc.,The Principal of the College is the Chief Superintendent of the examination branch. The following officers assist him in … 1. Processing of examination application forms and issue of hall tickets to the students. 2. Electronic distribution of examination papers (EDEP) is introduced by JNTU to all B. Tech and P. G courses. The examination branch looks after the works connected with EDEP examinations as directed by the university. 3. Online examination is also introduced by the JNTU, to all B. Tech courses for internal tests. This branch looks after the works connected with online examination. 4. The examination branch looks after the issue of marks memo, provisional certificates, consolidated marks memo, duplicate marks memo, CMMS etc., 5. The examination branch looks after the payment of remuneration to the examiners, receipts of examination fees, payment towards the stationary etc., purchased for the examination branch.