Our Campus Placements Program
-The BTPC invites prospective companies/organizations/industries in the months of June (Tentative) to August (Tentative) of every Academic Calendar, along with all relevant information to participate in the campus recruitment at the institute. The organizations, in turn, can also contact the institute’s Chief T&P Officer for their requirement.
Final Year student’s details will be sent to the company/organization concerned, as per their requirement, along with a tentative, mutually convenient date for the campus interviews.
The company/organization may confirm the date or discuss a mutually convenient date, with the Coordinator-Training and Placement.
After confirmation by the organizations, a pre-placement talk (PPT), will be arranged on the date. The company will conduct tests and/or group discussions to short list the interested students. If required, telephonic interviews or interviews through video conferencing can be arranged.
The organization will then interview the short listed students for final selection and will announce the results as soon as possible (preferably on the same day), once the selection process is over.
-Companies announcing results immediately after interviews will be preferred by the institute and the students for early campus interview dates during the next academic year.
Note: Companies unable to finalize the results on the same day and wish to have one more round of interview at their office may do so within a week’s time.

Our Campus Placement Policy

At the beginning of the final year academic calendar, students will be subjected to aptitude tests or will request their careen plan in the written format/personally to know whether the student is going for higher education or seeking an opportunity in the industry.
The students are requested to submit the willingness to the placement officer before the dead line to apply for particular organizations. Late submissions are not entertained.
-We provide opportunities to all the registered students based on the branch/discipline to get a job.
– Students who decide to withdraw acceptance, he/she should inform the organization through Training and Placement Cell.
– Selected students should work at least for one year in the organization as a matter of policy
– Students selected through campus placements are requested to update their progress and growth with BTPC .

During the Campus Visit
  • The institute takes pride in arranging the best hospitality for the recruitment team from arranging travel, local travel, stay, local sightseeing etc.
  • The Institute’s auditorium / seminar halls are well equipped with the audio-visual facilities for presentations.
  • Adequate space is provided for the written tests that are a part of the selection process. Large halls with every convenience are kept ready solely for this purpose.
  • For online tests computer labs, fully networked and connected to a 100 MBPS network are provided at one time.
  • The Placement block has well designed and air-conditioned rooms for conducting GD’s & Interviews.
  • Video Conferencing facilities are also available for facilitating the interview process, if required.
  • A dedicated team of student placement coordinators actively support the campus recruitment process.
  • Cafeteria and transportation for participating students is available after regular operating hours of the institute.