Computer Science Engineering
Dr D William Albert, M.Tech., Ph.D.,
Professor & Head – CSE Dept.
About the Computer Science and Engineering Department:
The Department of CSE was started in the year 2008 with an intake of 60 students and currently increased to 150. The department has established required laboratories namely Core Computer Lab, DBMS Lab, Multimedia Lab, Advanced Software Lab etc. which are fully equipped with Intel i3 Computer Systems, Uninterrupted Power Supply, and fully air conditioned. The labs have been specially designed for B.Tech course work and Project work.
To produce competent software professionals focusing on growth innovation and lifelong learning.
- To promote emerging technologies that stand as benchmark for local and global economic development.
- To encourage superbness at the level of professionalism, research and entrepreneurship.
- To bring forth excellent employability skills and soft skills through active participation of all the stake holders.
The faculty is well motivated and takes personal care of the students and council them at regular intervals and informs the parents / guardians about the progress of their ward regularly. Academic monitoring committee chaired by one of the senior faculty members meets once in a fortnight to review the academic progress of each section and to see that the class work progresses smoothly as per the academic calendar. Extra tutorial classes are conducted to put up more emphasis on their studies. This helps the student in preparing for the semester end examinations and also aids in facing the competitive exams and interviews confidently.Apart from the mentioned labs the institute is also well facilitated with others state of the art labs particularly for the academics pertaining to M.Tech PG Course. These labs are equipped with high level configuration systems such as Core i3 processors, 1TB harddisk and 8GB RAM. The fully air-conditioned computer centre has plinth area of 350 Sqm. in the main building. More than 190 Pentium based computers with the latest Configuration have been installed. The department has dedicated and experienced faculty.
Department Information
The department of CSE offers 4-year degree course ,which was started in the year 2008 with an intake of 60 students. The department has Qualified and Experienced team of faculty members with wider experience.In order to strengthen the teaching-learning ambience, and prepare the undergraduates to meet the challenges of the global work environment, Bheema has taken up several initiatives like offering value-added courses and interfacing with the industry to bridge the gap between the curriculum and the requirements of the industry. BITS has introduced value-added courses in various disciplines such as SAP, BIGDATA, and R.
Department Activities
“To contribute to the society through excellence in scientific and knowledge-based education utilizing the potential of computer science and engineering with a deep passion for wisdom, culture and values”.
- Motivation to students with immense expertise, massive technical exposure & structured creative initiatives.
- Mini projects and In-plant trainings to impart practical knowledge to the students.
- Regular industry interaction.
- Career opportunity seminars.
- Regular counseling / mentoring for students.
- Teaching aids like OHP’s & LCD Projectors and modern E-learning software’s are used with the view to enhance the Teaching-Learning process.
Computer Lab
The department has established two laboratories namely Core Computer Lab, DBMS Lab which are fully equipped with Pentium Dual Core Computer Systems, Uninterrupted Power Supply, and fully air conditioned. The labs were specially designed for B.Tech course work and Project work. The fully air-conditioned computer centre has plinth area of 280 Sqm. in the main building. More than 180 Pentium based computers with the latest Configuration were installed. Each student is provided with an independent workstation.
Course Syllabus
B.Tech 1-1 syllabus
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B.Tech 1-2 syllabus
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B.Tech 2-1 syllabus
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B.Tech 2-2 syllabus
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B.Tech 3-1 syllabus
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B.Tech 3-2 syllabus
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B.Tech 4-1 syllabus
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B.Tech 4-2 syllabus
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Time Table
B.Tech 1-2 sem
B.Tech 2-2 sem
B.Tech 3-2 sem
B.Tech 4-2 sem
B.Tech 1-1 sem
B.Tech 2-1 sem
B.Tech 3-1 sem
B.Tech 4-1 sem
The department of CSE offers M. Tech Course in Computer Science and Engineering ,which was started in the year 2012 with an intake of 24 students.
Course Syllabus
Time Tables
S No | Name Of The Employee | Designation | Qualification | Experience | Photo |
Laboratory education is an important part of the engineering curricula. Department has various laboratories in both the platforms i.e. Windows and Linux and the department constantly modernizes its infrastructure facilities to keep abreast with the rapidly changing technological trends in the field.
- Computer Programming Lab
- ITWS Lab
- ELCS Lab
- Data Structures Lab
- Data Base Management Systems Lab
- Operating Systems Lab
- Web Technologies Lab
- Data Mining Lab
- OOAD & Software Testing Lab
- PG Lab and Projects Lab
- Java Programming Lab
- Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
- R & Analytics Lab
- Software Patterns Lab
- Advances in Software Testing Lab
- Map Reduce Programming Lab
- Mobile Application Development Lab
List of Events
Workshop on Android Application Development
Conducted on 16-04-2024 by Mr. K. Arjun, Associate Professor, Department of CSE
A 2-Days Workshop on “Multimedia Applications”
Workshop on 28 & 29-06-2024 under Adhyayan Club
A 2-Days Workshop on “Multimedia Applications”
Workshop on 28 & 29-06-2024 under Adhyayan Club Activity
A 2-Days Workshop on “Multimedia Applications”
Workshop on 28 & 29-06-2024 under Adhyayan Club
A 2-Days Workshop on “Multimedia Applications”
Workshop on 28 & 29-06-2024 under Adhyayan Club
19-8-24 TO 24-8-24
Faculty Achievements
- Mr.G.S.Uday Kiran of CSE Department has participated in one day workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics titled, “Engineering Inner Excellence” organized by JNTUA College of Engineering.
- Mr.K.Arjun of CSE Department has attended the six day training program in “Programming in C&Data Structures” held at G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College Organized by A.P.State Council of Higher Education in association with JNTUA.
- Mr.K.Arjun of CSE Department has participated in Two day workshop on Cloud Computing Organized by the Department of CSE SJCET Yemmiganur.
- Mr.K.Arjun of CSE Department has Conducted Guest Lecture program on the topics of Functions, Pointerts, Structures and File Operations on c organized by SKU Anathapur.
- Mr.G Sreeramulu of CSE Department has attended the 5 day FDP Programme in “Data Science and its Applications” in held at G PULLA REDDY Engineering College, Kurnool organized by JNTUA,Antantapuramu.
- Mr.T.Somasekhar of CSE Department has attended the 5 day FDP Programme in “Data Science and its Applications” in held at G PULLA REDDY Engineering College, Kurnool organized by JNTUA,Antantapuramu.
List of Publications
1) K.ARJUN, “Privacy Preserved and Auditable Health Data Access in Cloud using ABE Based Access Control”, 2017 IJSETR, Volume-06, Issue-01.
2) V.MALLESI, “Network Transgression Detection and Forestalling Framework for Zombie Detection in Cloud Computing Environment”, 2017 IJATIR, Volume-.09, Issue-06.
3)G.S.UDAY KIRAN BABU, “A Hyper-graph Re-Ranking Model for Web Based Image Search”, 2017 IJSETR, Volume-06, Issue-14.