
As we are aware that the primary focus of every educational institution lies on the advancement of learning. And secondary it lies on the academic progress. In fact, there lies another area where utmost attention is required and it is nevertheless the employabitity of the candidate. Keeping in view of this we have endeavored to bring forth the training and placement cell, designed as an integral part of the Institute. 
The T&P cell has been structured as a gateway towards not only training but also comfortable placement of the budding engineers. The cell plays a vital  role that almost it goes a long way in building up a long lasting rapport based on mutual trust and understanding in between the industry and the T&P segment. It is a significant segment where in we are inclined towards scrutinizing the academic excellence and changing the aspirants by applying a professional touch. 
Placement Officer Message
Employability is the realm where attention is deserved and it is here where we have left no stone unturned in guiding the students community so that their soft skills and communication skills as well may be sublimed to satisfactory levels. And therefore our T&P cell plays the role as a crucial interface between the completion of the academic program and culmination of the same into the entry of the student community into a suitable employment zone. 
Further, I would like to disclose entire activities are being carried on by means of computerization of the cell which would give rise to speedy communication and faster results. 
Finally my piece of advice to my dear students is only this much that they should remember always the significance and spirit of age that has no alternative. They should thoroughly understand the meaning of professionalism. They should make use of every educational facility that is exteneded to them by our educational institute. 
From time to time we are inclined to scrutinize the skills the student abroad and in this dimension we have tied up with reputed institute in order to match what the corporate world looks for. 
Bheema Group of Institutions (BGI) is committed not only to impart quality education but also producing professionals and responsible citizens for the development of the economy and Nation building. Under the aegis of BGI established Bheema Training and Placement Cell (BTPC) in the year 2010 to realize the above objectives. BTPC is playing a vital role in career guidance, career planning, career path identification, training, development, internships and placements for the holistic development of the students.
The BTPC acts as an interface between the Institute and organizations and serves to establish the best student-organization fitment by arranging campus interviews. It acts as a nodal point for all placement-related activities and assists students to achieve quality placements. Catering all the placement needs of the BGI.
 In addition to Subject knowledge and technical skills BTPC grooms the students for employability and future careers. Apart from this we also committed towards maintaining a good corporate relationships with business organizations and our prospective on campus recruiters.

Our Objective:
-To assist the students to identify their academic and career interests through counseling and personal discussion.
-To organize industry guest lectures, workshops , training programs and pre placement activities for enhancing the students skill set.
-To Conduct technical, aptitude and general knowledge tests, resume writing, mock interviews etc for professional development of the students
-To assist the students for placements in reputed organizations through on campus/off campus placements drives
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